KENT Systems products are great for transferring wort from your brew pot to your
carboy. Our Brew Couplings allow you to rapidly connect and disconnect from your
brew pot, and keeps your brew hose properly attached. Forget about fighting with
your brew hose to keep it in place, and start brewing smarter.
Where to Interface

Installation of the KENT Systems Brew Couplings is very simple.
If you are using a ball valve for draining your wort, chances are there
are female threads on the inside of the valve. Most of the time the threads
are 1/2 inch or 3/8, but we have a number of thread sizes to select from.
In order to install KENT Systems Brew Couplings, all you need to
do is thread our Collection 3 brew coupling (2), into your ball
valve(1), and your brew pot is ready.
Installation Layout

In order to install KENT Systems Brew Couplings, all you need to
do is thread our Collection 3 brew coupling (2), into your ball
valve(1), and your brew pot is ready.
Go ahead and seal the threads according to your standard method. Teflon thread tape, or thread sealer.
Next, you need to build your transfer tube. To do this simply attach your
Male KENT Systems brew coupling (3) to your Brew Hose (4). Cut
your brew hose to the appropriate length.
Now, when you are ready to transfer your wort to you carboy. Just connect your
transfer tube to the KENT Systems Brew Couplings located on your brew
pot. Place the other end of your transfer tube into your carboy. Then open the ball
valve and watch you beautiful wort flow painlessly into your carboy.
See The KENT Systems Wort Transfer Products
