Tube Fittings Barbs
When you compare KENT Systems products to what is currently in the market you will notice a
different approach in the design of our tube fitting. Traditionally, hose fittings have been
manufactured with a multi tube fitting. While this “More Is Better” style seems like
an obvious approach, we aim to show you why our tube fitting design is simply better.
Years ago, before starting his own fitting company, our founder Kent Sampson fought with the
multi tube fitting fittings. Like others, he found that the Tube Fittings leaked and required
constant tightening of tube clamps. This design flaw comes from the fact that the manufacturing of
the multi barb configuration creates parting lines alonge the tube fitting serfaces. As a result
the parting line creates a channel by which fluid can excape the tube.
Determined to find a solution, Kent experimented with ideas before designed a single tube fitting with no parting
lines on the sealing surface of the barb. This ingenious idea resulted in
a far better seal and ultimately a better product. Between the years 1968
and 2000, Kent played with different single tube fitting designs all designed to work with a specific tube material.
After founding KENT Systems, Kent prefected his design and created the Salient Barb™. This design not only works better than a multi barb,
it also works works great over a wide range of tube materials.
This refined design is exclusively found here at KENT Systems on our new product designs.
Easy To Install
KENT Systems Salient Barbs™ are easer to use than other tube fittings. If you have every
tried to install a multi barb fitting, you will know that this is not being
exaggerated at all... it is hard to push a tube on a multi Tube Fittings fitting.
KENT Systems Tube Fitting - Pressure Test
When you use tube fittings, you want to know that they are not going to
leak or come apart. In this demo you will see that the KENT Systems
Salient Barb™ fitting stays on the tubing better than the multi barb fitting.
Simply put, the KENT Systems Salient Barb™ fitting out performs multi barb
fittings under pressure.
KENT Systems Tube Fitting - Pull Test
The KENT Systems Salient Barb™ goes on the tube so easly, surly it should pull off just a easly... Right?
Well let‘s see just how strong that tube fitting is, Using the same braided tubing and fitting from before,
we attempted to tow a car with our fitting. Click the video to see how it went.
Professional driver closed course, do not try this at home.
Advantages Of The Salient Barb™
- Tubing can relax behind the tube fitting providing a better seal
- No parting line on the barb surface thus eliminating potential leak paths
- Easier to assemble
- Increases pressure performance
- Eliminates the use of hose clamps in most applications
Disadvantages Of A Multiple Barb
- Lower psi performance as the tubing cannot fully relax behind the tube fitting to create a good seal
- Parting lines that cause leak paths
- Difficult to assemble
- Requires the use of a hose clamp in most applications
- Prone to disconnection in high pressure applications

cutaway of Salient Barb™ with tubing

cutaway of multi tube fitting with tubing
At KENT Systems we have used the application knowledge from our customers along
with our personal experience collected over 32 years to create a better sealing tube fitting.
Just imagine, if we put this much time and testing into our tube fittings, consider
what goes into the rest of our products.
Please see manufacture for terms, conditions, specifications, warranties and recommended use.
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