Media Bags are a smarter way to package and distribute liquid products. Save
money, and keep safe with an integrated shutoff valve and flexible package walls.
Most people are familiar with medical IV bags, but some people overlook packaging their own products in a media bag. Well it’s time to consider the benefits of flexible packaging for your products.
More efficient use of inventory and shipping space. Uses less room then cylindrical jugs.
Greatly reduce shipping cost with a combination of lay-flat, and lighter weight packages.
Free up some space. Empty flexible packaging utilizes considerably less storage space at your facility.
Get green. Flexible packaging uses less material than traditional packaging.
In order to remove liquid from a traditional package, air must displace it.
However, with flexible packaging, the package simply collapses around the
escaping liquid. Forget about air displacement. Don’t expose your
liquid to the air. (A major contaminate and discoloring oxidizer in some applications.)
Media Bags Strength
Sure there are a number of reasons to use a media bags... But how strong could a plastic bag be?
We have all experienced how weak a shopping bag is, you certainly wouldn’t want to fill something like that
with a fluid. Don’t worry, our bags are much stronger than a shopping bag. Watch the movie to see just how strong they are.
Using KENT Systems Media Bags has a positive impact on the evironment.
The flexible bag requires less space for shipping and smaller shipments require less fuel.
By using KENT Systems Media Bags, you are helping to make the world a better place.
Shut Off Fitment
Connect and disconnect a variety of barbed and threaded fittings to our Media Bags.
The internal shut-off valve automatically closes when the coupling is disconnected.