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 KENT Systems Products  >  Quick Couplings  >  Collection 3  >  Triggering Open-Flow Females
Triggering Open-Flow Females Catagory Filler
Triggering Open-Flow Females Product Image
Triggering Open-Flow Females
Triggering Open-Flow Females Catagory Filler
Displaying 3 products Pages | 1
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Part Number : 3AY224
Description : Collection 3 Triggering Open-Flow female with 3/8" barb.
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Part Number : 3AY216
Description : Collection 3 Triggering Open-Flow female with 1/4" barb.
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Part Number : 3AY232
Description : Collection 3 Triggering Open-Flow female with 1/2" barb.
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Displaying 3 products Pages | 1
AY - The Y class female coupling is one of the simplest products in Collection 3. The Triggering Open-Flow configuration will mate with any Collection 3 male and will activate the Shut-Off valve found in X class couplings.
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  • Triggering Open-Flow Females Barb Design

    When you compare KENT Systems products to what is currently in the market you will notice a different approach in the design of our tube barb. Traditionally, hose fittings have been manufactured with a multi barb configuration containing parting lines on each of the barbs. Why? Because it’s it’s better.

    Easy To Install

    KENT Systems barbs are easer to use than other barbs. If you have every tried to install a multi barb fitting, you will know that this is not being exaggerated at all... it is hard to push a tube on a multi barb fitting.

    Installing a Multi Barb vs. our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    KENT Systems Barb - Pressure Test

    When you use Triggering Open-Flow Females, you want to know that they are not going to leak or come apart. In this demo you will see that the KENT Systems single barb fitting stays on the tubing better than the multi barb fitting. Simply put, the KENT Systems single barb fitting out performs multi barb fittings under pressure.

    Pressure Test of a Multi Barb vs. our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    KENT Systems Barb - Pull Test

    The KENT Systems barb goes on the tube so easly, surly it should pull off just a easly... Right? Well let‘s see just how strong that barb is, Using the same braided tubing and fitting from before, we attempted to tow a car with our fitting. Click the video to see how it went.

    Professional driver closed course, do not try this at home.

    Watch us pull a car with our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    The key advantages of a single barb system are

    - Tubing can relax behind the barb providing a better seal - No parting line on the barb surface therefore eliminating potential leak paths - Easier to assemble - Increases psi performance - Eliminates the use of hose clamps in most applications

    KENT Systems Single Barb Design
    cutaway of single barb with tubing

    The key disadvantages of a multiple barb are:

    - Lower psi performance as the tubing cannot fully relax behind the barb to create a good seal - Parting lines that cause leak paths - Difficult to assemble - Requires the use of a hose clamp in most applications - Prone to disconnection in high pressure applications

    Multi Barb Design
    cutaway of multi barb with tubing

    At KENT Systems we have used the proven knowledge of our customers along with our personal experience to create a better sealing barb system. Just imagine, if we put this much time and testing into our barbs, consider what goes into the rest of our products.

    For more information, or for Free Samples for your testing, please contact us at:
    or By E-mail
  • Triggering Open-Flow Female Applications

    When working with KENT Systems, you are only limited by your imagination. While there is no way we could list all of the applications in which we are involved.. but here a hand full of applications for our Triggering Open-Flow Females:

    Triggering Open-Flow Females For Fuel management Systems Fuel management systems
    - UAV’s
    - Race Cars
    - RC vehicles
    Triggering Open-Flow Females For Lab Chemicals Lab Chemicals
    - Chemical Distribution Lines
    - Sample Lines
    Triggering Open-Flow Females For Ink Applications Ink Applications
    - Ink Distribution Lines
    - Bulk Ink Products
    - Refill Machinery
    Triggering Open-Flow Females Hydroponics Systems Hydroponics
    - Water Lines
    - CO2 Lines
    Triggering Open-Flow Females Hydroponics Systems Air Lines
    - In-Flight Oxygen Lines
    - Gasper Masks
    Triggering Open-Flow Females Water lines Water Systems
    - Personal Filtering Systems
    - Distribution Lines

    For more information, or for Free Samples for your testing, please contact us at:
    or By E-mail
  • Triggering Open-Flow Females Barb Design

    When you compare KENT Systems products to what is currently in the market you will notice a different approach in the design of our tube barb. Traditionally, hose fittings have been manufactured with a multi barb configuration containing parting lines on each of the barbs. Why? Because it’s it’s better.

    Easy To Install

    KENT Systems barbs are easer to use than other barbs. If you have every tried to install a multi barb fitting, you will know that this is not being exaggerated at all... it is hard to push a tube on a multi barb fitting.

    Installing a Multi Barb vs. our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    KENT Systems Barb - Pressure Test

    When you use Triggering Open-Flow Females, you want to know that they are not going to leak or come apart. In this demo you will see that the KENT Systems single barb fitting stays on the tubing better than the multi barb fitting. Simply put, the KENT Systems single barb fitting out performs multi barb fittings under pressure.

    Pressure Test of a Multi Barb vs. our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    KENT Systems Barb - Pull Test

    The KENT Systems barb goes on the tube so easly, surly it should pull off just a easly... Right? Well let‘s see just how strong that barb is, Using the same braided tubing and fitting from before, we attempted to tow a car with our fitting. Click the video to see how it went.

    Professional driver closed course, do not try this at home.

    Watch us pull a car with our Single Barb.
    (Click the video above.)

    The key advantages of a single barb system are

    - Tubing can relax behind the barb providing a better seal - No parting line on the barb surface therefore eliminating potential leak paths - Easier to assemble - Increases psi performance - Eliminates the use of hose clamps in most applications

    KENT Systems Single Barb Design
    cutaway of single barb with tubing

    The key disadvantages of a multiple barb are:

    - Lower psi performance as the tubing cannot fully relax behind the barb to create a good seal - Parting lines that cause leak paths - Difficult to assemble - Requires the use of a hose clamp in most applications - Prone to disconnection in high pressure applications

    Multi Barb Design
    cutaway of multi barb with tubing

    At KENT Systems we have used the proven knowledge of our customers along with our personal experience to create a better sealing barb system. Just imagine, if we put this much time and testing into our barbs, consider what goes into the rest of our products.

    For more information, or for Free Samples for your testing, please contact us at:
    or By E-mail
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